Friday, 26 March 2010

Tulse Luper Journey // a game

Tulse Luper Journey

Launch project
Investigate the 20th century through Tulse Lupers life. Tulse Luper is the lead character in an ambitious series of projects initiated by film director Peter Greenaway.So far, the project includes three feature films, a series of DVD's, travelling exhibitions, books, publications and this online game produced by Submarine.These are all part of a growing universe of stories, facts, fiction, history and drama based on the adventures of a man who spent most of his live as a prisoner - mistaken for someone important, a spy, a lover, an artist, a writer and an observer.Set against the background of 20th century history, Tulses journey through life reads as a personal, subjective history of events and developments that shaped the world as we know it. Greenaways statement that "cinema is dead" calls for new ways of communicating ideas. This game is part of the search for a crossover format that breaks the boundaries and rules that have been imposed by film, theatre, books, games and other traditional media. Created by developers, artists and students from around Europe, The Tulse Luper Journey explores new boundaries of online interactive media.

Playing the game
After registering for free, you play a researcher who is working the investigation of the 92 suitcases Tulse Luper has packed during his life as a prisoner. Playing 92 different games and working together with other players in the game you can gather information on Tulse Luper, collect all the fragments of a 92 minute new feature movie and discuss your research in a global online community. Will your research reveal hidden secrets and new facts or will you find things that add new questions to the growing myth of Tulse Luper? Sign up as a researcher and start playing!

And now.... Gogogoch (!)

Tulse Luper Journey
Registration Desk
Dear Mr./Mrs. clarissa ribeiro,
Thank you for registering at the Tulse Luper Journey. You will start at the The Nordberg Institute.


Tulse Luper Suitcases Manual


in Brazilian Portuguese:

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

VVVV // How To Project On 3D Geometry

Starting thinking about the next version of Instants of Metamorphosis, Graziele Lautenschlaeger suggested to take a look on "How To Project On 3D Geometry" using VVVV. We are imagining a collection of "cubo-creatures" that responds to the actions of the audience, another translation for the concept of a "subject-sculpture". In response to the actions, the sculpture will transforms by playing different moments of several video performances that represents different layers of existence of the creature, going through the physicality, feeling the borders of an imaginary being's body each time more blurred, dissolving...

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Blog // Instants of Metamorphosis 01

I started a new Blog last week that is dedicated to document the first version of the installation Instants of Metamorphosis:

Pandora's Hope

Reading about ANT - Actor-Network Theory I was taking a look on Bruno Latour's web site. It is very interesting with some videos and texts available.

Instants of Metamorphosis 01 // videos

During the two last weeks we were working to finish the videos that presents the main idea of the first version of Instants of Metamorphosis. The videos are available at ClarissaRibeiroTUBE:

Instants of Metamorphosis // technical description

Instants of Metamorphosis 01 // theoretical description

Instants of Metamorphosis 01 // performance

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Acaso 30

It is interesting the way everything concerning our experiences is connected in every single thing we produce... Sending the videos that document the installation Instants of Metamorphosis to my supervisor at ECA/USP, Professor Gilbertto Prado, I suddenly remembered his installation I really like - Acaso 30. The blue naked bodies projected onto the ground. Of course it is a reference to the performance that intends to translate the never-ending metamorphosis process of the A Bao A Qu... the self never-ending process of metamorphosis.