11 July 2010 . Plymouth
Tine Melzershared vocabulary: words and words - ways to order a list.
The ordinary language she is interested in is a sort of 'contextual' one:
- when people are interacting in a coffee shop it is a specific moment, a context of social exchange, with a specific vocabulary.
- Michael Foucault. The Order of Things
- Wittegestein and the philosphy called 'Investigations'
- Locke (senses)
- Gertrude Stein: a rose is a rose is a rose
- speech act theory (Searle, Grice, Austin)
Ziva Ljubecaround mediation
idea of the black box as the idea of an interval (as a semi permeable membrane)
Duchamp: the difference between retinal art and non retinal art;
Cezanne: shifiting the viewpoint, mapped simultaneously multiplicity of the viewpoint
membrane and osmoses:
Duchamp;Bergson; Char Davis;
"duration diffuses through the membrane as time abstraction of duration is time as spatial extension"
idea of Internet of Black boxes (internet of things, of objects...)
how to augment the architecture of extensive reality?
the idea of a ubiquitous architecture of black boxes.
- the Duchamp Large Glass (Delay in Glass was the subtitle):
semi permeable, semi transparent
- Duchamp 3 standard stoppages (joke on meter is the subtitle)
it dissolves in the measurement of a meter
next move:
- apply this concepts to augmented reality;shift from member as film to membrane as filter;
Roy: on cybernetics, science of dynamic relationship;second order cybernetic; His entry to cybernetics was through questioning: why, box? a black box? what does it mean?
Nadia Meinhardt
- Change of perception in intercultural contexts;
- communication processes (the loss of Coincindence); marginal changes in communication
- she is exploring the concepts of Digital Natives (Marc Prenky) - a sort o big bang that produced a new type of human borned in a era of rapid dissemination of new media.
John Palfrey and Urs Gasser explain the brave new world inhabited by "digital natives"--the first generation born and raised completely wired.
wir arbeiten dranone of the research questions:
how are digital natives attached by new approaches of cultural studies like interculturally and transculturally?
Knowledge Measurement (Umstatter)
Amos Bianchi
aparatus (a complex sciences approach) twards a metanarrative model
definitions of systems and the whole-elements relations;
complex systems and organization;
autopoietic system;
the instention is to define social systems as autonomous systems;
concept of bifurcation (prigogine)
the concept of morphogenesis
catastrophe theory (the jump of the system from one state to another state)
and several other concepts concerned to complex systems and complex sciences realm as a whole;
case studies:
Six degrees of separation (Milgram)
The Oracle of Baconreferences:
maturana and varella
granovetter strong and weak tiesfoucault: interested in understanding how subject and object are related...
Ellen Sebring- historical research through the visual record
- accessing historical events throught images
- when images are shared they gain a new life
- she is trying to understand the process of work with images: what is not there? the intention is to study the visceral impact of image in our act of knowing;
Clarissa Ribeiro at go to 'CAiiA summer 2010' to access the presentation document;