Sunday, 16 May 2010

The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy

Widely acclaimed as the most authoritative and accessible one-volume dictionary available in English (and now with translations into Chinese, Korean, Russian, Italian, and Spanish underway) this second edition offers an even richer, more comprehensive, and more up-to-date survey of ideas and thinkers written by an international team of 436 contributors. Includes the most comprehensive entries on major philosophers, 400 new entries including over 50 on preeminent contemporary philosophers, extensive coverage of rapidly developing fields such as the philosophy of mind and applied ethics, more entries on non-Western philosophy than any comparable volume, and increased coverage of Continental philosophy.

• Exhaustively revised and enlarged from first edition • Most comprehensive and up-to-date one-volume dictionary of philosophy available • 400 new entries • 50 entries on living philosophers • Extensive coverage of rapidly developing fields such as philosophy of mind and applied ethics (bioethics, environmental, medical, and professional ethics) • More entries on non-Western philosophy than any comparable volume including African, Arabic, Islamic, Japanese, Jewish, Korean and Latin-American philosophy. Increased coverage of Continental philosophy

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