CAiiA+MilanoNode // day 01 . 9th July 2010
New Members M-Node:
Gabriela Galati // The digitalisation and uploading of the artistic event
- the tendency to digitalisation and uploading to the web of contemporary visual culture in general and of some artistic practices in particular. (how immaterial information influences the material)
- Duchamp and the scission of the artwork from a single medium, and subsequently reinforced by the practice of conceptualism.
- Main theoretical references (background)
*Lippard 1973 / The dematerialization of the artistic object
*Benjamin 1935 / The lost of the aura
*Bachtin 1986 / The sel-referenciality of signic systems
- the construction of the artistic reality? semiotic theory is a departure point to her research.
*LAGERA, Jacinto, 2010. La derealisation du monde. Realite et fiction en conflict. (concept of fictionalism)
The Net-Museum is a platform of curatorial and artistic research, an itinerant museum, a symposium, an on-line archive that is focused on the research of contemporary visual culture. The Net-Museum aims to develop its practice equally through its on-line presence, through its activities in temporary venues and through its spread collection, which can only be re-constructed on its website. Through the exhibitions and featured artistic projects, both on-line and in temporary occupied spaces, the Museum builds the on-line archive and the Net-Collection. In this way, the reciprocal influence of the virtual and the real are experimented through artistic and curatorial practice.
Paololuca Barbieri //The future of the image
BBC vampire squid from hell; villem flusser;
new system of distribuition of information connected to art;
we are now sensory atracted to images;
image-making machine;
the meaning of producing images;
Baudrillard: "art has collapsed as a pornography of transparency";
images as living beings;
lev manovich the challange (for art) lies in the dynamic of the webcast;
* Werner Herzog on images, TV, and shoes
Julietta Aguilera //
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